
5月15日 | 刘源远:Poisson’s equation for Markov chains: bounds and monotonicity

时    间:2024年5月15日 09:00-10:00

地    点:腾讯会议ID:574-416-458



摘   要:

In this talk, we will present some recent results on Poisson's equation for Markov chains. For irreducible and positive recurrent discrete-time Markov chains, we will consider analytical bounds for solutions of Poisson's equation. The bounds are applied to derive the truncation approximation bounds for the stationary distribution and the bounds on the variance constant. We also consider the block monotonicity for a solution of Poisson’s equation, which may be used to investigate matrix-analytical queuing models.


刘源远,中南大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师、副院长(主持工作)。从事马氏过程的遍历性、扰动理论、排队网络的渐近性、以及带块结构的多维马氏过程领域的研究工作,论文发表在《SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications》、《Advances in Applied Probability》、《Queueing Systems》、《Science China Mathematics》等刊物上。入选湖南省芙蓉特聘教授;主持4项国家自然科学基金,2项省部级基金;现担任《应用概率统计》期刊编委。
