
12月6日 | 万国华:Joint Interday Planning and Intraday Scheduling of Hospital Operating Rooms

时 间:2020年12月6日(周日)9:00-9:45

地 点:腾讯会议 ID: 760-754-090/中北校区地理馆153

主 题: Joint Interday Planning and Intraday Scheduling of Hospital Operating Rooms

主讲人:万国华  教授

主持人:杜刚  教授

主  办:新兴市场服务管理团队、统计交叉科学研究团队

Abstract: Motivated by the practices in hospital operations, we study the problem of joint interday planning and intraday scheduling of operating rooms with eligibility constraints and surgery time windows. In this problem, we consider both assigning available surgeries into specific days and scheduling the surgeries on their assigned days, with the eligibility constraints on the operating rooms for the surgeries and the surgery time window requirements, to minimize the total costs of opening operating rooms and overtime of opened operating rooms. From the general problem, we identify several special cases with a fixed number of surgery types and develop polynomial time solution algorithms. For the general problems with arbitrary surgery types, we propose an exact branch-and-price algorithm for the problem where the surgery time windows on each day are agreeable, and an efficient column-generation-based heuristic for the problem where the surgery time windows on each day are non-agreeable. We also conduct extensive computational experiments to show the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed optimization algorithms.


主讲人简介:万国华,现任上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院教授,国家杰青。主要研究兴趣是:排序与调度的理论和算法、运营与供应链管理、企业信息管理。研究成果发表于Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, IISE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics等国际学术刊物。现任美国生产与运作管理学会(POMS)旗舰刊物Production and Operations Management的Senior Editor,Journal of Management Analytics的Associate Editor和《系统管理学报》编委,中国运筹学会常务理事/医疗管理分会理事长和上海市运筹学会副理事长。
