时 间: 2020年7月14日上午 9:00-11:30
报告人: 范剑青 教授
主持人: 张日权 教授
摘 要:
This lecture introduces penalized least-squaresand penalized likelihood methods for variable selection and sure independence screening for feature screening. The semethods, along with other machine learning methods such as deep learning, random forrest and gradient boosting trees, will then be applied to financial prediction and investments. These include asset pricing using text data and fundamental data.
范剑青,普林斯顿大学金融学讲座教授。曾荣获COPSS总统奖、洪堡基金会终身成就奖、晨兴华人数学家大会应用数学金奖等。现为国际统计学会(ISI)会士、数理统计学会(IMS)会士、美国统计学会(ASA)会士、美国科学促进会(AAAS)会士、计量金融学会(SOFIE)会士。目前为国际一流期刊 Journal ofEconometrics的联合主编,JASA的副主编。