







—— 年薪制系列:助理教授、紫江青年学者、紫江优秀青年学者

—— 常规系列:副教授、教授


—— 统计、生物统计、计算机、保险、金融工程以及相关学科博士学位。

—— 统计、数据科学、保险、金融工程的任何相关研究方面均欢迎申请。

—— 特别关注大数据计算、机器学习、数理统计、生物统计、金融统计等方向。

—— 助理教授和紫江青年学者需要体现出良好的研究潜质,紫江优秀青年学者、副教授和教授需要有良好的研究记录和主持科研项目的经历。 


—— 根据申请人自身的资历来提供在市场上有竞争力的薪酬和福利。

—— 优秀申请人(年薪制系列)采取一人一议。 


—— 申请材料:详细简历、研究计划书、三封推荐信

—— 联系人:周迎春教授,

East China Normal University

School of Statistics and Key Laboratory of Advanced Theory and Application in Statistics and Data Science, Ministry of Education

Faculty positions - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor

The  School of Statistics and Key Laboratory of Advanced Theory and  Application in Statistics and Data Science at East China Normal  University (ECNU) invite applications for  full-time faculty positions at Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level. Applicants must have a doctoral degree in statistics, biostatistics, computer science,insurance,financial engineering or  a closely related discipline. Candidates with research interests in all  areas of statistics, data science and insurance are welcome to apply.  Primary consideration will be given to candidates with research  interests in computational statistics, machine learning, mathematical  statistics, biostatistics, insurance and financial engineering.  Candidates for Full Professor should have a recognized record of  methodological research, experience of extramural funding, and  demonstrated leadership potential. Candidates for Associate Professor  should have a good record of publication and other evidence of research  capability. Assistant Professor applicants should provide evidence of  methodological and interdisciplinary research potential and should,  preferably, have relevant postdoctoral training. Faculty  responsibilities include methodological research, research  collaboration, and teaching. 

Salary and start-up funding will be commensurate with qualification and experience.  Other than regular faculty recruitment, we also provide multiple  'talent plan' options offering competitive packages for excellent  candidates. 

About East  China Normal University, School of Statistics and Key Laboratory of  Advanced Theory and Application in Statistics and Data Science

Founded  in October 1951, East China Normal University (ECNU) is one of China's  key research universities under the direct auspices of the Ministry of  Education and sponsored by the prestigious national program Project 211, Project  985 and “Double-First-Class”.  Currently it has almost 30000 students,  in which half of them are postgraduate students, and more than 4000  faculty and staff members. It is located in Shanghai with two campuses  in Putuo and Minhang Districts respectively totaling an area of 220  hectares.

School of Statistics, formerly the Department  of Statistics starting from 1984, was one of the first three  mathematical statistics departments established in China. It runs one of  the top statistics programs in China (Class A according to 2017 China  Discipline Ranking) and currently has 39 faculty members. It offers  B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics and actuarial science.  For more information about the university and the department, please visit: and 

Key Laboratory  of Advanced Theory and Application in Statistics and Data Science,  founded in 2018 by the approval of Ministry of Education, is the first  interdisciplinary key laboratory of MOE that combines statistics and  data science in China. It currently has 33 full time members and 18 part  time members with research background of statistics, computer science,  education etc.      

To apply the positions:

Application screening begins immediately and continues until positions are filled. Applicants  should send a curriculum vitae, a summary of research plan, and three  letters of reference to Professor Yingchun Zhou (
